(304) 558-4126
Fax Number: (304) 558-5670

Wyoming County DHHR Office is the local county office where you can apply for your EBT Card. EBT in West Virginia provides Supplemental Nutrtion Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, WV WORKS, Diversionary Cash Assistance and Child Support Incentive benefits by use of a card to access a benefit account. This method of benefit receipt and use replaces Food Stamp coupons and paper checks.
How To Apply:
The head of your household, or an authorized representative, must be interviewed by a SNAP benefits caseworker in the Family Support office. You may apply in any of the DHHR office, but your case will be carried in the county where you live. Complete and turn in your household's application as soon as possible.
Your household may name someone to be your authorized representative to act on your household's behalf in completing the interview for SNAP benefits and to use your benefits to purchase food for your household if you are unable to do so.
If your household needs help right away, you may be able to get your SNAP benefits within a few days after applying.
If it would be difficult for you to come in to the Family Support office, you can call the office and ask if you can be interviewed on the phone.